Creating beautiful spaces by re-imagining and refurbishing old furniture
Borma Wachs
BBoorrmmaa WWaacchhss

Small Vintage Sideboard Spiced-up with Dixie Bell’s Pumpkin Spice

Dixie Bell’s Pumpkin Spice and Fusion Mineral Paint’s Inglenook spiced up this vintage sideboard. Add a lovely leaf decoupage and the final results is a deliciously warm upcycled sideboard ready for today’s eclectic home.

Chessboard side-table inspiration

I worked on this side-table inspired by the mini-series “Queen’s Gambit” in-between commissioned pieces. Creating fantasies and moods in the furniture I work on is a favourite activity of mine and in this one I envisioned a chessboard permanently marked …

Cow Parsley Inspiration

In the realm of inspiration, ideas for a piece come at their own pace. For his simple chest of drawers from a client’s cellar, the inspiration came slowly but clearly. Its new purpose in life would be decorative and occupy …

Eclectic Dining Chair Makeover

Have you ever started something small that highlights something big, that once started is hard to know when to stop? These chairs proved challenging for this very reason. For example, I noticed the previous finish on two of the chairs …

The art of editing creative works

I love writing. When I was young, words flowed freely and I’ve always treated other people’s words with a kind of sacred awe. I used to hate editing. Part of my brain didn’t want to go over my work, fearing …

Máire - Furniture Artist